
Green Greetings

They stand in the same place they did on
that day. They've stayed in the same spot a
very long time now. They are the trees that
were subjected to the thermic rays and blast
wave in Hiroshima 71 years ago at 8:15 am
on August 6. Many of them are now bent with age toward the blast's epicenter.

"It's over that way."

It's as if they're pointing and saying, "It's over that way.
" As if they're praying they won't lose something precious again.
Those researching the A-Bombed Trees believe they bend this way
because the side of their trunks that was most affected by the bomb grew
more slowly than the rest of the trunk.

If you look closely, the same thing happened to the tree roots
growing above the ground: those on the side furthest from the epicenter
have grown with greater vigor.
These trees produced tiny green shoots in the midst of the burnt ruins
that gave people the courage to stand up again.

A-Bombed Trees MAP


Within them are memories of that day and the days of rebirth that followed.
Memories that we hope to pass down to future generations.
Won't you come and see them? The A-Bombed Trees, spines bent to one side,
will surely give you with a leafy green wave of thanks.

「緑」の伝言 Green Greetings from A-bombed Trees in Hiroshima

※ 広島市では、爆心地から概ね2km以内で被爆し、再び芽吹いた約160本の木々を「被爆樹木」として登録。

Hiroshima City has registered around 160 A-Bombed Trees.
These trees were exposed to radiation within approx. 2 km of the blast hypocenter and went on to bud again.
Among them are some that were never moved and remain where they stood when the bomb exploded.

協力:公益財団法人 広島平和文化センター・広島市植物公園 樹木医/堀口力 2016年8月現在