Green Greetings


Because we want them to live long lives,
we’ve created 161 tree care charts.




There’s a plane tree in a school yard with a gaping hole in its trunk that has been watched over by successive generations of schoolchildren. There’s a Japanese pussy willow near Hiroshima Castle that, while blackened, came back to life. The trees that survived August 6, 1945 made the burned ruins of Hiroshima a green city again.

The passing of 72 years has seen some of their number fall, having run out of strength, and others wither and die. Mr. Horiguchi is a tree doctor who has visited the A-Bombed Trees countless times across 30 years to listen to their inaudible voices and provide treatment. He created tree care charts for 161 trees after giving them health checks.

And how is the health of these trees? A six-month study conducted with a City of Hiroshima research team covering more than 100 items per tree found that around forty percent need some kind of treatment. The prescription for each tree is noted in its chart.

A carte of a plane tree in a school yard

堀口 力 Chikara Horiguchi

プロフィール profile

樹木医 アーボリカルチャー広島代表
宮崎県出身 1945年5月12日生まれ 広島市西区在住

2015年 被爆樹木の保存活動により「広島市民賞」受賞

A tree doctor, a representative of arboriculture Hiroshima
12. May. 1945, born in Miyazaki pref

He dreamed a career in “trees” so that when a senior student, he looked at Yakushima cedar which was found previous year and was moved. After trained in Fukuoka pref, a well-known place of tree production, he moved into Hiroshima, started working as a garden designer and was engaged in tree planting of downtown. In 1972, meting Mr. Tadahiko YAMANO, a first-tree doctor in Japan, he decided to live preserving “living -heritage” such the A-Bombed Trees. In 1991, he acquired a qualification of a first-tree doctor in Hiroshima and was engaged in preserving these trees. In 2015, he received Hiroshima Citizen Award by recognition of a conservation movement of the A-Bombed Trees.

堀口 力 Chikara Horiguchi

堀口 力
Chikara Horiguchi

モニタリング調査A monitoring survey


A monitoring survey finds out that awareness of conservating the A-Bombed Trees increase from last survey which was around 15 years before. But, an environment around these trees has many problems with an urbanization, it’s require to keep a monitoring survey and provide treatment properly. And it’s important that treatment is to being not artificial too much, we attempt to conserve the A-Bombed Trees as it really is.

A-Bombed Trees MAP

A-Bomded Trees MAP


Mr. Horiguchi says, “I want to share this information so that when the new generation takes over the care of the A-Bombed Trees, they can look after them properly.” We hope that the A-Bombed Trees, which tell the tale of that one day and the rebirth of a city, will go on to live long, long lives.

※ 広島市では、爆心地から概ね2km以内で被爆し、再び芽吹いた木々を「被爆樹木」として登録。

The City of Hiroshima has registered as A-Bombed Trees that were exposed to radiation within approx.
2 km of the blast hypocenter and went on to bud again.

協力:公益財団法人 広島平和文化センター・広島市植物公園 樹木医/堀口力 2017年4月現在