
Myōjō-in Temple

2-6-25 Futaba-no-Sato, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima

イチョウ Gingko Tree

クロマツ Japanese Black Pine

ソテツ Japanese Sago Palm


The gingko tree that stands inside the temple complex of Myōjō-in Temple used to be much taller than it is today. Cut down by the atomic bomb and lightning strikes, you can still see the scar from the bombing on the side of the trunk facing the hypocenter. The once proud sago palm was burned in the fires from the bombing, but the next year, new shoots grew from the roots underground. These new shoots went on to become 19 different sago palms. The Japanese black pine, which stands in the kindergarten square, has also been there since before the war. In the temple hall, there are statues of the 47 Ronin made of camphor wood which managed to escape the fires from the bombing.